Discursive digital ethics: Discursive digital ethics: From explicability to participation
Supporting Agencies
- Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de los objetivos del Proyecto de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico «Ética aplicada y confiabilidad para una Inteligencia Artificial» [PID2019- 109078RB-C21] financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, así como en las actividades del grupo de investigación de excelencia CIPROM/2021/072 de la Comunitat Valenciana.
This article is intended to present a proposal for dialogic digital ethics on a critical reading of the European Commission's independent high-level expert group’s document Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI (2019). These would be digital ethics with a normative horizon for action and criteria for justice based on dialogue and possible agreement between all agents involved and affected by the digital reality. The aim is to show that the participation of all parties involved is not merely advisable but morally required as part of the Commission’s effort to generate common European willingness and governance to deal with the fourth industrial revolution now going on. The acknowledgement of equal dignity implied by people-centric artificial intelligence (AI) is utterly unthinkable without this possibility of equal participation. Without it, trust cannot be generated or guaranteed. As we intend to show, the new principle of explicability plays a decisive role in this objective as a principle with a moral as well as an instrumental.
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