From Violence to Love. On the problematic knot between subjectivity, affect and the political in the work of Toni Negri


  • Virginia Fusco Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: Toni Negri, Settantasette, violence, love

Supporting Agencies

  • Actualmente está disfrutando de una ayuda de recualificación otorgada por el Ministerio de Innovación en Alma Mater Studiorum de Bologna.


This article reviews some of Toni Negri's texts in order to offer, despite the conceptual shifts present in his work, a vision of continuity. From Dominio e Sabottaggio to the more recent Empire, Multitude and Commonwealth, a common purpose can be traced in his work: namely, to imagine an organizational form that can account for the forces of living labor, as well as the definition of a new political grammar capable of facing the challenges of the contemporary world. This path is traced here through the analysis of the notions of violence and love as threads that bear witness to Negri's persistent attempt to return time and again to illuminate the problematic knot between diverse subjectivities, affects and the construction of the political.


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How to Cite
Fusco, V. (2024). From Violence to Love. On the problematic knot between subjectivity, affect and the political in the work of Toni Negri. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (92), 21–35.