Sufrimiento, Holocausto y memorias colectivas en el pensamiento histórico de Hayden White


  • Aitor Bolaños UNIR
Keywords: Hayden White, Suffering, Collective Memories, Victims, History


This text offers a reflection on a question of great importance for the historical-philosophical thought of the beginning of the 21st Century: the place occupied by the victims and their suffering in an epistemological reconsideration of the social sciences, of humanist thought and of the historiographic discipline itself . For doing this, this article offers an analysis of Hayden White’s oeuvre, a work that grants a transcendental role to the collective memories of the victims, as well as to their suffering. And all this with a critical and ethical-political intention, essential for scientific and social progress.


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How to Cite
Bolaños, A. (2021). Sufrimiento, Holocausto y memorias colectivas en el pensamiento histórico de Hayden White. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (83), 231–248.