Against the legend spread by Auguste Cornu, among others (before Louis Althusser, for example), of a still idealistic «young Marx», what follows is an attempt to reconsider the conception of philosophy without which Marx clearly could not have been brought to affirm, as he expressly does since 1843-44, the necessity of an «Aufhebung» of philosophy, meaning the «negation [of philosophy] as such». This conception was already very firmly outlined by Marx in the Notebooks written around 1840 in preparation for the Doktordissertation of 1841, and had brought him since then to an already very «radical» criticism of idealism – a radicality that the discovery of the «proletariat» would only lead him to accentuate!– What is «contradictory» in idealism as such is overtly revealed, to Marxʼs eyes, by the young Hegeliansʼ pretension to «effectively work out» into the «world» what the «master», Hegel, had come to conceive as «the Idea», i.e. nothing less than the motor of the historical process in its own processuality. To be duly noted by whoever may enquire what could still be the scope of philosophy today!Downloads
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