Psychological well-being through the PERMA-model and burnout in elite athletes: cross-sectional study

Psychological well-being in elite athletes


Keywords: Burnout, Psychological well-being, PERMA, Positive psychology, Elite sport


This study analyses the psychological well-being based on the PERMA model and the burnout symptomatology of elite athletes. Forty-six Brazilian elite athletes were evaluated with PERMA-Profiler and the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire. The results show a high level of self-reported perceived well-being (mean score 8.2/10) regardless of sex and age. The well-being dimension with the lowest score was Achievement, while the strongest was Meaning. Regarding burnout dimensions, exhaustion was the most prevalent symptomatology, followed by reduced sense of achievement and devaluation of sports practice. No statistically significant differences were found regarding sex or age. A negative correlation (r =-0.21) was found between well-being and burnout, although data did not reach statistical significance. The only dimension of the PERMA model that significantly explained the burnout of athletes was negative emotions (R2= 0.064). Achievement (from PERMA) also explained 22.6% of the reduced sense of achievement burnout dimension (R2 = 0.226). In short, our elite athletes reduce their well-being when feelings of achievement are reduced, and their burnout symptoms increase as negative emotions increase.


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How to Cite
Monteiro-Araujo, C., Hernández-Morante, J. J., & Reche-García, C. (2025). Psychological well-being through the PERMA-model and burnout in elite athletes: cross-sectional study : Psychological well-being in elite athletes . Sport Psychology Notebooks, 25(1), 134–147.
Psicología del Deporte