History of the relationship between Iberian countries in the development of sports psychology (1950 - 2017). The perspective of a Portuguese observer-participant


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.615001
Keywords: sport psychology, history of sport psychology, Portuguese-Spanish relations, development of Iberian sport psychology


The similar political situations in Spain and Portugal in the 20th and early 21st centuries were reflected in the development of sports psychology and the Iberian relations between its protagonists. This article analyses the relationship between the two countries in the field of sports psychology during this period. Scientific articles and technical journals, reports, oral information and correspondence with protagonists were used. Three periods were considered based on key events: 1950-1975, 1975-1993 and 1994-2017. It can be observed that sports psychology had its first approaches around the same time in both countries. Both dictatorial regimes until the mid-1970s limited the recognition and academic affirmation of sports psychology. The individual work of doctors, philosophers and educators characterised the early days. Iberian contacts were mainly the result of individual initiatives. The democratisation of the two countries allowed for scientific development, the deepening of Iberian relations and the normalization of Spanish-Portuguese activities.


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24-01-2025 — Updated on 28-01-2025
How to Cite
Serpa, S. (2025). History of the relationship between Iberian countries in the development of sports psychology (1950 - 2017). The perspective of a Portuguese observer-participant. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 25(1), 148–172. https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.615001 (Original work published January 24, 2025)
Psicología del Deporte