Differences on goal-scoring between first teams and reserve teams in the same football league

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.604391
Keywords: soccer, offensive phase, attack, performance, team sports


Knowing how teams act when they score can help to propose better strategies and optimize the planning of training sessions. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the differences in the goals scored by the first teams (n = 11, goals = 398) and reserve teams (n = 5, goals = 242) of the same football league (Third Federation, group VII, Madrid, Spain). To record the goals, the observational methodology was used via CODITAG instrument. For analysis, the Chi-square test was applied in a general way, and the Z test at a particular level, comparing the proportions of the goals, and correcting the p values using the Bonferroni method. At a general level, significant differences (p < .05) were obtained in the criteria “contextualization of the last action” and “last contact surface”. At a particular level, the results reflected that the reserve teams differed from the first teams by achieving a lower proportion of their goals in set-piece actions and in attacking plays that led to completions or involved headed assists. However, they achieved a higher proportion of goals in game situations where the player who scored received a pass outside the box, as well as in finishes with the right foot, or that involved the use of 2 or more contacts. Coaches of reserve teams and coaches who face reserve teams should consider these findings.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-López, R., Echeazarra, I., & Castellano, J. (2025). Differences on goal-scoring between first teams and reserve teams in the same football league. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 25(1), 257–271. https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.604391
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