Do volleyball players have burnout? An exploratory study in Andalusia
Burnout syndrome in athletes deteriorates their quality of life and can even lead to the abandonment of sports practice in those who suffer from it. In Spain, between 1 and 5% of athletes suffer from it, although in volleyball players in particular, its prevalence is unknown. The aim of this study was to analyse the prevalence of burnout syndrome in volleyball players, both at a general level and in relation to some socio-sporting variables: gender, generational category, competitive level, playing position, number of hours of play, number of years of practice, generation to which they belong, and whether they suffer from Covid-19. A total of 309 players from different clubs in Andalusia participated, 158 males (51%) and 151 females (49%), aged between 18 and 62 years (M= 23.65 years; SD= 7.27). Through the reduced version of the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ) a total burnout prevalence of 3.9% was found. Overall, burnout scores vary according to the number of years of practice. According to its dimensions, physical and emotional exhaustion is influenced by the volume of training and having suffered from Covid-19 and sport devaluation due to playing position and years of practice.
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