The Information Analysis System for Football Coaches in Competition (SAITFC) - Validation and Application of an Observation Instrument in a Pilot Study

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Keywords: Feedback, instruction, conversations, football, systematic observation


Systematic observation is a method that allows obtaining numerous information about the coach´s behavior, including communication, which is an integral part of the process of pedagogical effectiveness. After reviewing several observation systems and verifying their potential, mainly their weaknesses, the Information Analysis System for Football Coaches in Competition (SAITFC) emerges from a perspective of evolution and scientific contribution. A flexible system that includes dimensions, categories, and subcategories, which refer to the information in an attempt to make all behaviors related to the information issued by the coach inclusive, helping to elaborate a behavioral profile in the competition. The calculation of agreement percentages, complemented by Cohen´s Kappa statistics, showed substantial levels of reliability for the observations to be used as a scientific tool. With this pilot study, the results obtained in this investigation suggest that coaches issue more and more information, not only to athletes, in the form of instruction and feedback but to all sports agents involved in the competition, namely arbitration, opponent, and technical team in the form of conversations. Feedback tends to be prescriptive, auditory, addressed to the athlete, tactical, and effectively neutral. It is essential to emphasize the expressiveness of the feedback related to tactical schemes and reaction speed. The SAITFC, as a tool to help systematize the coach´s behavior, proved to be an effective method, thus contributing to the training of coaches, but also at a scientific level, helping them in the field.


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How to Cite
Marques, J., Vicente, A., & Ferreira, V. (2024). The Information Analysis System for Football Coaches in Competition (SAITFC) - Validation and Application of an Observation Instrument in a Pilot Study. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 24(1), 257–274.
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