How do high performance adolescent athletes use cell phones and video games?


Keywords: athletes, adolescents, technology, gender


The aim of this article is to explore the uses of mobile phones and video games in a sample of 84 Spanish high-performance athletes, aged between 13 and 17 years old. For this purpose, an ad hoc questionnaire was applied to them in relation to the time and type of use of these devices during the week. In relation to the use of mobile phones, the data indicate that 100% of the young people have one; they use it an average of 85.8 minutes a day; they use it more time a day on weekends; there are no differences in the time of use according to sex; and that the main use is communication and access to social networks. As for video games, 58.3% of the participants play some video game (M = 45.6 minutes a day); their use per day is greater on weekends; the 84% of boys and 37% of girls play video games, with men playing more than women; athletes play various video games, the most used is Fornite. It is concluded that mobile phones are widely used by young athletes and have become a fundamental tool for socializing with others. On the other hand, the use of video games is less frequent and possible differences based on sex should be taken into account. In addition, weekends are the time when athletes have the most free time to use both devices.


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How to Cite
García-Naveira Vaamonde, A., Acebes-Sánchez, J., & León-Zarceño, E. (2023). How do high performance adolescent athletes use cell phones and video games?. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(3).
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