Measurement of psychological and social processes in sports fans: adaptation to Spanish of the Identification with a Psychological Group Scale and Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale
Supporting Agencies
- This study has received funding from the Deputación da Coruña, “Convocatoria de bolsas de investigación para o ano 2019” No 2019000010023.
In recent years, scientific studies evaluating psychological and social processes in sports fans have increased, highlighting those related to aggression and antisocial behaviour. Two of the key constructs to understand violence among sports fans are group identification and moral disengagement. The objective of this research is the adaptation of the Identification with a Psychological Group Scale and the Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale to Spanish, in a sample of 400 sports fans of various sports modalities. The following data analyses were performed for both questionnaires: confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis by calculating Cronbach's a and composite reliability, as well as invariance analysis of the measurement models depending on whether the participants were soccer fans or to another sports modality. The responses to the items showed good psychometric properties for two unifactorial models, with nine items in the case of group identification and seven items for moral disengagement. Both adaptations presented good reliability indicators in both perspectives, and of homogeneity of the measurement models based on the multigroup moderator. The adaptations were satisfactory and allow a brief evaluation of two key constructs in understanding the psychological and social processes of violence and antisocial behaviour in sport.
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