Coach’s transformational leadership style as a facilitator of the social identity of young basketball players: the mediating role of the basic psychological needs


Keywords: youth, basketball, coaching leadership, social identity, basic psychological needs

Supporting Agencies

  • Cátedra de Baloncesto l’Alquería del Basket de la Universitat de València


The aim of this study was to explore the association between coaches’ transformational leadership style and athletes’ social identity, exploring the mediating role of satisfaction/frustration of athletes’ basic psychological needs. Participants were 524 basketball players (325 boys, 180 girls) aged between 11 and 17 years (M = 13.85; SD = 1.56) belonging to different clubs in the province of Valencia (Spain). The results showed significant associations between all the study variables. Furthermore, results confirmed the mediating role of the satisfaction of basic psychological needs between the transformational leadership of the coach and the social identity of the athletes, whereas the mediating role of the frustration of the basic psychological needs was not significant. The results highlight the importance of coaches in the psychosocial development of the team, and support the need to prepare them in the use of transformational leadership styles, which affect satisfaction of basic psychological needs to promote the social identity of the athletes.


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Author Biography

Isabel Castillo, Universitat de València

Departamento de Psicología Social

Profesora Titular de Universidad



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How to Cite
García-Esteban, L., Marentes-Castillo, M., Castillo, I., & Alvarez, O. (2023). Coach’s transformational leadership style as a facilitator of the social identity of young basketball players: the mediating role of the basic psychological needs. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(2), 12–25.
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