The psychophysiological activation in competition situations in badminton players


Keywords: Psychophysiological activation, serve, badminton, anxiety, competition simulation


Various investigations demonstrate the importance of the relationship between the level of activation and sports performance. In addition, more information can be obtained if the psychophysiological activation is evaluated in actions similar to those of competition. The objective was to analyze the level of psychophysiological activation of the serve action and its effect on performance, during simulated competition situations. 30 badminton players (M= 23.7 years, SD = 7.52) participated, divided by performance level: high skill level (women=5, men=10) and low skill level (women=4, men=11). Independent variable: competition simulation with lower and higher demands during the serve. Dependent variable: level of psychophysiological activation (skin conductance, peripheral temperature, heart rate and left trapezius electromyography), subjective and performance. There were no significant differences in the variables electromyography, skin conductance due to the different conditions, but there were significant differences in peripheral temperature and subjective activation. The level of psychophysiological activation had an increase due to the actions carried out, but did not show differences due to the different conditions. In addition, since the type of simulation was done by imagining match situations, it may not have been enough to generate a sufficient increase to discriminate by conditions.


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Author Biographies

Omar Estrada Contreras, CEU Cardenal Spínola

Profesor Universitario del Departamento de Deporte del CEU Cardenal Spínola, de la asignatura de Psicología del Deporte del Grado de Ciencias del Deporte.

Nicolas Fernández Martínez, CEU Cardenal Spínola

Profesor Universitario del CEU Cardenal Spínola del grado de Ciencias del Deporte, especialista en deportes de raqueta.

Eugenio Pérez Córdoba, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Sevilla del departamento de Psicología Básica.

Enrique Cantón Chirivella, Universidad de Valencia

Profesor titular del departamento de Psicología Básica de la Universidad de Valencia.

Pablo Jodra Jiménez, Universidad de Alcalá

Profesor titular de la Universidad de Alcalá.

Eugenio Huertas Castro, Universidad de Sevilla

Estudiante predoctoral del departamento de Psicología Básica de la Universidad de Sevilla.


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How to Cite
Estrada Contreras, O., Fernández Martínez, N., Pérez Córdoba, E., Cantón Chirivella, E. ., Jodra Jiménez, P., & Huertas Castro, E. (2023). The psychophysiological activation in competition situations in badminton players. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(2), 106–117.
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