Design and validation by Delphi method of a questionnaire to determine the criteria of a basketball player when he drives

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Keywords: decision making, offense, instrument, basketball


One of the elements that most determines the performance of a basketball player is their decision-making ability. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the studies that allow us to understand this capacity. The objective of this research was to construct and validate a questionnaire that would allow us to understand the Criteria of the Basketball Player when Penetrating to the Basket (CJB-PEC). After conducting a literature review by the researchers and holding a discussion, we proceeded to create three dimensions and 24 items for the questionnaire. Subsequently, a group of 10 experts in the subject of this research was selected, and they collaborated remotely via email in the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the instrument. Using the Delphi method in the first version, after obtaining the mean values from 10 experts in clarity, relevance, and importance through the Aiken's V coefficient (0.75), with confidence intervals (CI) at 90% and a critical level at 0.70, it was found that: question 20 did not reach the minimum value in Aiken's V. Questions 4, 5, 12, 13, 16, 20 in clarity, questions 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24 in relevance, questions 7, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24 in importance, and questions 12, 18, 19, 20, 24 in the total value did not reach the critical level. Based on the results and expert observations, the second version of the questionnaire was modified and constructed. This version had 24 items, with questions 4 and 20 removed, questions reformulated below the critical level of 0.70, and 2 new questions added. This version went through a second round with the experts and achieved values above 0.75 in Aiken's V for all questions, with a 90% CI. No question was below the critical level of 0.70. Furthermore, in the qualitative assessment, the expert comments approved all 24 items. It was concluded that the second version includes the necessary elements for content validity, making this questionnaire a useful instrument for investigating the knowledge of an offensive player when penetrating the basket and for planning training based on these insights and decision-making possibilities in this action.


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How to Cite
Hernández-Peña, K., Gea-García, G. M., & Menayo Antúnez, R. (2024). Design and validation by Delphi method of a questionnaire to determine the criteria of a basketball player when he drives. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 24(1), 275–296.
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