Setting qualitative performance parameters of elite surfing aerial manoeuvres with 360° rotation


Keywords: surfing, descriptive analysis, phase analysis, aerial performance, aerial training, observational method


Purpose was to analyse parameters of high-level surfing aerial manoeuvres, supporting specific training and injury prevention. Using video analysis of aerials completed by top-5 male surfers in 19 events during 2018 and 2019 seasons of the World Championship Tour, were selected (n=97): Frontside Air, Frontside Air Reverse 360, Backside Air and Backside Air Reverse 360. This is an observational mixed method research. Has a qualitative performance analysis, carried out through phase analysis, considering key features from body actions and principles of movement. For the quantitative analysis was measured the aerial height, the BoS width, and flexion angles of front knee and front ankle. Qualitative analysis references were: rotation of the head and trunk, triple-flexion of the lower limbs (retraction) and more pronounced in the follow-through; head, trunk, and arms flexion from the take-off (retraction) to the peak of the flight (action) causing the anterosuperior CoM displacement; widening of the BoS for frontside aerials (action). Quantitative analysis allowed to identify the mean of aerial height (169.60±52.85cm), of base of support (BoS) width (79.17±13.72cm), and flexion angles of front knee (113.78±19.90º) and front ankle (32.74±14.51º) during landing.

Descriptive analysis may contribute to the development of specific training programs for teaching and learning, aiming to improve performance of aerial manoeuvres.


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How to Cite
Seixas, P., Oliveira, R., Carita, A. I., & Moreira, M. (2023). Setting qualitative performance parameters of elite surfing aerial manoeuvres with 360° rotation. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(2), 169–193.
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