Relationship between the relative effect of age in the Spanish U16 golf championship and sporting performance


Keywords: Golf, performance, relative age effect, chronological age, talent identification


The present study had two objectives: 1) to identify the proportion of junior golfers qualifying for the Spanish Championships as a function of year and quarter of the year of birth for the total sample, as well as for the sample divided by sexes. 2) To analyse the effect of relative age on the performance of golf players at the Spanish Championships in the different categories for the total sample, as well as for the sample divided by sexes. A total of 794 golf players were included (511 males, mean age: 13.91±2.08 years; and 283 females, mean age: 14.29±1.89 years). The following information was obtained for each participant: year of birth, month of birth, participation in the Spanish Golf Championship, position obtained in the championship. Significant differences in attendance at the Spanish Championship were observed according to year of birth (χ2=22.92; p=0.001) and according to quartile of birth (χ2=57.59; p=0.001) when analysing the participants as a whole. The regression analysis showed that the place in the Spanish Championships can be a predictor of year of birth in a percentage between 7 % and 15 % of the cases (p<0.001-0.009). Based on these results, it would be necessary to rethink the competition system of the national golf championships to ensure a level playing field.


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How to Cite
Isorna Folgar, M., Albaladejo Saura, M., & Vaquero-Cristóbal, R. (2023). Relationship between the relative effect of age in the Spanish U16 golf championship and sporting performance. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(2), 194–209.
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