Tendências do Fitness em Portugal para 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.467381
Keywords: Portugal, Trends, Fitness


The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) annually publishes a study that identifies worldwide fitness trends for the next year. The present study reproduced the methodology of the study of ACSM trends and intends to characterize the fitness trends in Portugal for 2021 according to professionals/students and clients in the sector, comparing the results with studies at a worldwide, European and Spanish level. In addition to the characterization, the trends between clients and professionals/students were compared, and in this between genders, whether or not to perform functions as a professional and hold the title of Physical Exercise Technician (TEF), Technical Director (DT) or not have title. 300 professionals/students and 85 clients answered an online questionnaire built for this purpose. The results of the professionals/students showed that the main trends concern licenses (titles) for fitness professionals, employ certified fitness professionals, personal training, exercise for weight loss and healthy lifestyle and behaviour change. Portugal tends to be more in line with European trends than worldwide ones. In the comparison between professionals and clients there are differences in 4 out of 42 trends. Regarding gender, significant differences were identified in 20 of the 42 trends. Comparing the professionals who performed functions with those who did not, differences were found in 7 of the 42 trends, while among the professional titles of TEF, DT or without professional title, differences were found in 9 of the 42 trends.


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How to Cite
Franco, S., Santos Rocha, R., Ramalho, F., Simões, V., Isabel, V., & Ricardo Ramos, L. (2021). Tendências do Fitness em Portugal para 2021. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 21(2), 242–258. https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.467381
Ciencias del Deporte