Analysis goals in the Russian World Cup
Goles en el mundial de Rusia
The goal is a crucial indicator of performance analysis in football. The aim of our study was to analyze the goal and previous phases since the recovery of the ball. 169 goals from group stage and elimination of the 2018 World Cup were analyzed. The observations were made through the LINCE program and the data were analyzed using the HOISAN and SPSS Statistics 24 program. The data were analyzed using descriptive, graphic statistics, Fisher's exact test, U-Mann Whitney and polar coordinates. It was verified that the recovery of the ball happens preferably due to fault of the opponent, in the areas of offensive midfield. The last pass is recorded very often in the offensive zones, as a result of the positional attack, with the right foot and inside the large area. It was also verified the importance of tactical schemes in obtaining the goal. The polar coordinates show activation relationships between the finalization and the other technical-tactical behaviors, reinforcing and complementing the notational analysis. We conclude that the notational analysis, complemented with statistical analysis and polar coordinate analysis, reveal relevant information to analyze performance in competition and plan the training process.
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