Relationship between the practice of sports in Sports Clubs and the improvement of impulsivity control in scholars


Keywords: Competitive Sports Practice, Executive Functions, Inhibition, Selective Attention, Impulsivity


The regular practice of Sports Physical Activity (hereinafter SPA) has beneficial effects at a physical and cognitive level. In this second level, recent works have found improvement in memory, in academic performance, in self-esteem, in attention and in Executive Functions.

In this descriptive-inferential study, a sample of 110 students of Primary and Secondary Education from Ourense and Málaga (Spain) between the ages of 8 and 14 years was used (M=9.89; SD=1.534). The participants were assigned to three groups: students who practice federated physical-sports activity in sports clubs at a competitive level or SPA-F (n=37), students who practice physical-sports activity in out-of-school hours in schools or SPA-C (n=37) and a group of students who did not practice any type of physical-sports activity Not-SPA (n=36)

The results show the modulation of SPA in different inhibition modes, comparing students who do not practice SPA and those who practice SPA, in line with previous work. In a second step, we analyzed whether the SPA modality, that is, whether it is developed in a sports club and therefore the students are federated (SPA -F) or whether it is developed in the school's extracurricular activities (SPA-C), contributes to the differential development of inhibition. The results show that SPA, regardless of where they carry out the activity, improves the ability to follow the rules, perfects the precision of visual search processes and, optimizes the ability of cognitive flexibility, all of which are essential components of FE. The practice of SPA-F improves impulsivity control and attentional control compared to the practice of SPA-C.


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How to Cite
Calleja-Reina, M., Rueda Gómez, J. M., & Barbosa Gonzalez, A. (2021). Relationship between the practice of sports in Sports Clubs and the improvement of impulsivity control in scholars. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 21(1), 179–191.
Psicología del Deporte