Ansiedade, Traços de Personalidade e Carga Interna Objetiva em praticantes de paraquedismo: Revisão Sistemática


Keywords: Skydiving, physiology, psychology, psychophysiology.


This systematic review aimed to summarize the previously published literature on the modality of parachuting, centered on the areas of Psychology, Physiology and Psychophysiology. The platforms and electronic databases used for bibliographic research were: Web of Science, MEDline and Scopus. 21 articles were selected after going through the selection criteria. Taking into account the study area, we found three articles in the field of Physiology, eight articles in the field of Psychology and 10 articles in the field of Psychophysiology. The instruments used to collect data related to the measurement of heart rate (HR) were mainly the Polar HR and ECG Holter monitors. In anxiety studies, the most used instrument was STAI - State Trait- Anxiety Inventory, complemented with the collection of salivary samples through the cortisol test. To study the personality traits were used: SSS- Sensation Seeking Scale - V, NEO PI-R, EPQ-R - Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and TAS 20 - Toronto Alexitimia Scale. In general samples up to 25 subjects with experience in the modality and male were predominant. Despite the predominant use of some instruments, the procedures used were quite diversified and there was no unanimous and consensual methodology.


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20-11-2020 — Updated on 01-01-2021
How to Cite
Machado, T., Serrano, J. ., Mesquita, H., & Ibañez, S. J. (2021). Ansiedade, Traços de Personalidade e Carga Interna Objetiva em praticantes de paraquedismo: Revisão Sistemática. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 21(1), 60–85. (Original work published November 20, 2020)
Psicología del Deporte