The co-creation of value and their influence on business performance in sports centers
This paper aims to understand the relationships between intellectual capital (IC), co-creation of value and the performance of firms. Although, there are previous empirical works that analyze the relationship between IC and the performance, there are not prior researchs about the influence of the co-creation of value process between the firms and their partners. This is the gap where our paper has focused. The study research about the relationships of the three constructs and propose a research model where it is hypothesized the mediator effect of the co-creation value process in the relationship IC and performance. We decide using the technique Partial Least Square, PLS-SEM, to test our model and the hypotheses. The present work is an important theoretical and practice contribution, because shows new relationships between these constructs and point out new ways for the sport managers to achieve bettter performance. These contributions allow open the new lines of future research.
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