«Oberexia»: The desire to be fat(ter) in adults with excess weight


  • Débora Godoy Izquierdo Universidad de Granada
  • Alejandra Rodríguez Tadeo Universidad Autónoma Ciudad Juárez
  • María J. Ramírez Molina Universidad de Granada
  • Estefanía Navarrón Vallejo Universidad de Granada
  • Raquel Lara Moreno Universidad de Granada
  • Manuel G. Jiménez Torres Universidad de Granada
  • Juan González Hernández Universidad de Granada
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.371781
Keywords: Oberexia, weight misperception, body image, body satisfaction, obesity


Introduction: Despite of being scarce, evidence is growing on the existence of a group of overweight and obese individuals who do not consider their weight a risk factor for disease and who associate their weight and body with health, vigor, beauty and well-being. Consequently, they manifest a desire to maintain or even increase their weight. We propose an attempt of nomenclature, Oberexia, for this new social reality, and we describe its main characteristics and present empirical observational findings supporting the existence of this condition. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the prevalence and characteristics of Oberexia in a national sample of Spanish 16 to 60-years-old adults. Methodology: Perceptions of body weight/size/shape and composition, and body satisfaction were assessed in overweight and obese adults through silhouettes, questions and discrepancies. Results: One in ten of the participants self-perceived their body as normal in weight or size. A total of 6.5% wanted to have overweight or obese bodies. A case-to-case analysis revealed that 4.2% of the participants wanted to maintain their appearance, and 1.8% wanted a body with greater weight. All these findings are related to fat mass instead of muscle mass. Conclusions: Our results support the existence of a subgroup of overweight and obese individuals who differ from the traditional subgroup of individuals with excess weight who are dissatisfied with their body. We encourage to explore the outcomes on health and the possible clinical implications of this condition.


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How to Cite
Godoy Izquierdo, D., Rodríguez Tadeo, A., Ramírez Molina, M. J., Navarrón Vallejo, E., Lara Moreno, R., Jiménez Torres, M. G., & González Hernández, J. (2019). «Oberexia»: The desire to be fat(ter) in adults with excess weight. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 19(2), 186–197. https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.371781
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