Do sporting experiences predict team cohesion in youth athletes?


Keywords: Group environment; Youth development; Adolescents; Sport.



This cross-sectional study aimed to examine the association between sporting experiences and the perception of team cohesion according to sex among youth Brazilian recreational athletes. Participants were 253 youth athletes with age average of 12.97 ± 0.98 years.  Athletes represented the following sports: Indoor soccer (n=20); basketball (n=62); handball (n=123) and; volleyball (n=48). The instruments used were the Youth Experience Survey for Sport (P-YES-S) and the Youth Sport Environment Questionnaire (P-YSEQ). Independent sample t-test revealed significant difference between sexes in the dimensions of Personal Skills (p=0.02) and Task Cohesion (p=0.02). The following significant correlations were found for girls: Task Cohesion with Personal Skills (r=0.48), Initiative Experiences (r=0.37); and Social Cohesion with Personal Skills (r=0.41), Cognitive Skills (r=0.43) and Initiative Experiences (r=0.32). For boys, it was found the following correlations: Task Cohesion with Personal Skills (r=0.19), Initiative Experiences (r=0.42) and Negative Experiences (r=-0.22); and Social cohesion with Personal Skills (r=0.18) and Initiative Experiences (r=0.30). Multiple regression analysis indicated that sports experiences are significant predictors of task (R2=0.21; F=17.838; p<0.01) and social cohesion (R2=0.10; F=7.440; p<0.01). It can be concluded that positive sporting experiences may predict social and task cohesion among youth athletes.


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Author Biography

José Roberto Andrade do Nascimento Junior, Federal University of Vale do São Francisco

osé Roberto Andrade do Nascimento Junior has a degree in Physical Education from the State University of Maringá (2009), Specialization in Sports Training by the University Center of Maringá (2010), Master (2010-2011) and Doctorate (2012-2015) in Physical Education by UEM / UEL Associate Graduate Program. He holds a Doctorate in Sandwich as a Visiting Researcher in Sports Studies in the field of Sports Psychology at the University of Stirling / Scotland-UK (2014). Currently Associate Professor A of the Federal University of the Valley of São Francisco (Univasf) in an exclusive dedication, ministering the disciplines of Sports Psychology, Psychology of Education and Psychology of Human Relations. Permanent Professor of the Graduate Program (Master's Degree) in Physical Education and the Graduate Program in Psychology (Master's) from Univasf. Vice-coordinator of the Postgraduate Program (Master degree) in Physical Education at Univasf. Coordinator of the Degree in Physical Education in the distance modality of Univasf. He is a reviewer of the following periodicals: Perceptual and Motor Skills, Motor: Physical Education Journal, Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sports, Brazilian Journal of Sports Sciences, Brazilian Journal of Cineanthropometry and Human Performance, Physical Education Journal / UEM, Psychology (Natal) and Psychology: Science and Profession. He has published more than 100 complete articles in national and international journals and 3 book chapters. Leader of the Group of Studies in Sports and Exercise Psychology (GEPEEX) CNPQ / UNIVASF. Member of the Group of Studies of Psychology of the Sport and Human Performance CNPq / UEM and of the Group of Study and Research in Genetics and Exercise (GEPEGENE) CNPQ / UNIVASF. He works in the area of ​​Physical Education. In his Lattes curriculum the most frequent terms in the contextualization of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Psychometry, Aging, Physical Exercise and Sport.  


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How to Cite
Nascimento Junior, J. R. A. do, da Silva, A. A. ., Granja, C. T. L. ., de Oliveira, D. V. ., Reis Batista, R. P. ., & Fortes, L. de S. . (2019). Do sporting experiences predict team cohesion in youth athletes?. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 19(3), 102–112.
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