Personal values in youth basketball and its relationship with well-being and future intention to practice through motivation
Within the framework of the theory of human values (Schwartz, 1992; Schwartz et al, 2012), and the self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 1985, 2000), the aim of the study was to test a model, in a sample of 115 young basketball players (Mage = 13.98, DT = 0.13), which hypothesized that different types of motivation (autonomous motivation, controlled motivation and non-motivation) would act as mediators in the relationship between the players' values (self-transcendence, conservation, self-enhancement and openness to change) and two indicators of well-being (subjective vitality and positive affects), as well as of the future intention to continue practicing basketball. The results supported the indirect effect of self-promotion values on the players' perception of subjective vitality, their positive affects and their intention to continue playing in the future, through autonomous motivation. However, the other types of motivation (controlled motivation and amotivation) did not mediate the relationship between the other three values and the indicators of well-being, nor with the future intention of sport practice. These results indicate that to generate a greater experience of well-being in basketball it should be avoided placing emphasis on values centred on the individual, on personal achievement and on mastery over others (self-promotion), since subjective vitality, positive affects and the intention to continue playing are going to be reduced, through the decrease of autonomous motivation.
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