Composición e invarianza factorial del Autoinforme de Barreras para la Práctica de Ejercicio Físico (ABPEF-M) en universitarios mexicanos deportistas




The aim of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties proposed by Rodríguez-Villalobos et al. (2017) for the Barriers for the Practice of Physical Activity Scale (ABPEF-M) in university athletes  mens and women. The total sample has been composed by 413 Mexican university athletes, 174 women and 239 mens, with ages from 18-26 years (M = 20.76, SD = 2.06). The factor structure of questionnaire has been analized through the confirmatory factor analysis. This analysis shows that a tetrafactorial structure (body image, fatigue, obligations, and environment) is viable and adequate for the total sample and the populations of mens and woman. The four factors structure, according to statistical and substantive criteria, has shown adequate indicators of reliability and validity adjustment. On the other hand, the factorial structure, the factorial loads and the intercepts are considered invariant according to the variable gender; however, no differences were found between mens and women athletes in their perception of the presence of barriers in the four dimensions studied.


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How to Cite
Mondaca Fernández, F., Zueck Enríquez, M. D. C., Mayorga-Vega, D., Flores Olivares, L. A., Benitez Hernández, Z. P., & Peinado Pérez, J. E. (2020). Composición e invarianza factorial del Autoinforme de Barreras para la Práctica de Ejercicio Físico (ABPEF-M) en universitarios mexicanos deportistas. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 20(2), 253–264.
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