Relação entre antropometria, gordura corporal e autoconceito de adolescentes do sexo feminino


  • CARLOS ALEXANDRE FALCONI Universidade São Judas Tadeu
  • Marcelo Callegari Zanetti, mczanetti Universidade São Judas Tadeu
  • Tiago de Amorim Santos, Tiago Santos Universidade São Judas Tadeu
  • Helton Magalhaes Dias, Helton Universidade São Judas Tadeu
  • Maria Regina Ferreira Brandao, Regina Brandao Universidade São Judas Tadeu
  • Angela Nogueira Neves, Angela Neves Escola de Educação Física do Exercito - EsEFEx



Obesity poses future metabolic risks, as well as contributing to the development of early psychosocial problems and to the reduction of adolescent quality of life. Self-concept is an important indicator of psychological well-being, especially in the young age, however, several factors can contribute to the perception of self-concept, among them is the nutritional status, which is constantly modified in this phase of life. In this sense, the nutritional status variables may be associated with positive or negative concepts about themselves, favoring the understanding of psychosocial factors of the young population in favor of healthy behaviors. Thus, this study sought to analyze the relationship of waist circumference, fat percentage and the physical and global self-concept of female adolescents. For that, a cross-sectional study was carried out with the participation of 101 female adolescents, students of the High School of a State Technical School of the city of São Paulo. The Harter self - perception scale for adolescents was validated for Brazilian adolescents, in the dimensions of the physical and global self - concept, and anthropometric measures of body mass and height were checked for BMI, skin folds for fat percentage and waist circumference. The data were categorized and correlated with each other. An inverse correlation was found between the variables physical self-concept and waist circumference corroborating with other studies.

Keywords: self-concept; physical self-concept; adolescent; anthropometry.




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How to Cite
FALCONI, C. A., Zanetti, M. C., Santos, T. de A., Dias, H. M., Brandao, M. R. F., & Neves, A. N. (2019). Relação entre antropometria, gordura corporal e autoconceito de adolescentes do sexo feminino. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 19(2), 256–264.
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