The design of tasks in the soccer bases: their applicability to the porter's specific position


  • Enrique Ortega Toro Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad física y el Deporte, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia
  • Pilar Sainz de Baranda Andujar Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad física y el Deporte, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia
Keywords: Football, goalkeeper, categories of formation


Coaches have varied possibilities when designing exercises to use in sport training within categories of formation. However, many times these possibilities do not take into account the necessities, priorities, and characteristics of these young athletes. The purpose of the present article is two-fold: first, to show, explain, and give examples of those methodological principles (totality, participation, satisfaction, and meaning) that should be present in all of the exercises that are designed for training young athletes, understanding that these principles should be the fundamental base on which we establish the correct process of educating the football player in general and the goalkeeper in particular. The second purpose is to point out through different models of exercise the extraordinary range of possibilities there are for the best technique and tactic of the football goalkeeper using the given, comprehensive exercises


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How to Cite
Ortega Toro, E., & Sainz de Baranda Andujar, P. (2003). The design of tasks in the soccer bases: their applicability to the porter’s specific position. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 3(1). Retrieved from

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