Anaerobic factors to predict wrestling performance


  • Alberto Martínez-Abellán Grupo de investigación Deporte, Gestión y Recreación (INGESPORT). Universidad de Murcia
  • Jesús García-Pallarés Grupo de investigación Deporte, Gestión y Recreación (INGESPORT). Universidad de Murcia
  • José María López-Gullón Grupo de investigación Deporte, Gestión y Recreación (INGESPORT). Universidad de Murcia
  • Xavier Muriel Otegui Grupo de investigación Deporte, Gestión y Recreación (INGESPORT). Universidad de Murcia
  • Vicente Morales Baños Grupo de investigación Deporte, Gestión y Recreación (INGESPORT). Universidad de Murcia
  • Alfonso Martínez-Moreno Grupo de investigación Deporte, Gestión y Recreación (INGESPORT). Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Freestyle, Greco-Roman, Wingate, crank-arm


This study was undertaken to establish the relationship between anaerobic metabolism (anaerobic power and anaerobic capacity) and success in wrestling. Thirty seven male Free- Style and Greco-Roman wrestlers took part in this study, body mass ranged between 68-84 kg. According to the performance level, all the wrestlers were divided into two groups: Elite (n = 18) and Amateur (n = 19). All the subjects performed a 30 s Wingate test on a SRM Indoor Trainer cycle ergometer (Schoberer Rad Meßtechnik, Germany) that was specifically modified for the standing crank-arm. The height of the arm ergometer.’s central axis and crank arm length were adjusted to optimize the test mean power. The mean and peak power, the fatigue index as well as the peak blood lactate ([La

-]peak) were established at the end of the test. The elite group showed significant higher (P > 0.05) values in all the Wingate studied variables compared to the amateur group (Peak power: Elite 781±154 W, Amateur 643±140 W; Mean power: Elite 523±83, Amateur 433±78 W; [La-]peak: Elite 10.7±2.0 mmol·l-1, Amateur 9.2±1.9 mmol·l-1), except the fatigue index results where no significant differences were detected (Elite 2.22±0.33, Amateur 2.29±0.57). These findings suggest that the upper body anaerobic performance is a critical success factor in wrestling. On the other hand, the power declines detected during the maximum 30 seconds test does not seem to be related to the wrestling performance.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Abellán, A., García-Pallarés, J., López-Gullón, J. M., Muriel Otegui, X., Morales Baños, V., & Martínez-Moreno, A. (2010). Anaerobic factors to predict wrestling performance. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 10(2). Retrieved from