Importance of behavioural assessment autonomous practitioner for the enjoyment in the aquatic exercise programs


  • Juan Antonio Moreno Murcia Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche
  • Eduardo Cervelló Gimeno Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche
  • Pablo Jorge Marcos Pardo Universidad de Murcia
  • Estelio Enrique Martín Dantas Universidad Castelo Blanco, Brasil
Keywords: Intrinsic motivation, autonomy, enjoyment, aquatic exercise, swimming, water activities


This work applied the Vallerand's hierarchical model of motivation to prediction of enjoyment in aquatic exercise programs. The objective of the study was to analyze the relevance of coach perception of the practitioner's autonomous behavior on the prediction of enjoyment in aquatic exercise activities through autonomy and intrinsic motivation. A sample of 291 practitioners of water activities uncompetitive, aged between 16 and 72 years participated in the study. We measured the coach’ assessment of athletes autonomous behavior, autonomy, intrinsic motivation and enjoyment. The result of the structural equation model showed that the coach’ assessment of athletes autonomous behavior predicted positively the mediator autonomy. Autonomy predicted intrinsic motivation, and finally, positively predicted, with 63% variance explained, the practitioner’ enjoyment. The results are discussed taking into responsible professionals in the practices of aquatic physical activities oriented to enjoy should analyze the practitioner's autonomous behavior to promote greater autonomy and intrinsic motivation.


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How to Cite
Moreno Murcia, J. A., Cervelló Gimeno, E., Marcos Pardo, P. J., & Martín Dantas, E. E. (2010). Importance of behavioural assessment autonomous practitioner for the enjoyment in the aquatic exercise programs. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 10(1). Retrieved from