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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not previously been published nor has it previously been sent to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  • If you are submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you must ensure that the instructions in Ensuring blind review) have been followed.
  • The text is single-spaced; the font size is 12 points; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in their proper place and not at the end of the text. Titles, keywords and abstracts should be in the three languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese) of the journal and bibliography (without the name and affiliations of the authors). In this file the lines should be numbered.
  • The file sent is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Author Guidelines, which can be found in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

The journal Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte (CPD) with ISSN 1989-5879 is a publication edited by the University of Murcia uninterruptedly since 2001 with a quarterly periodicity. It is a refereed journal that uses the external peer-review system for scientific papers in the field of Sport Psychology and Sport Sciences, with methodological rigor and innovative contributions. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the guidelines of the "Manual of Publication Style of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition" (APA, http://www.apastyle.org/), as well as CPD's own specifications. Each issue of the journal is published electronically and is available at http://revistas.um.es/cpd.

Throughout the calendar year, the publication periods of CPD will be distributed as follows:

a) January-April

b) May-September

c) October-December



The main purpose of the CPD journal is to collaborate in the dissemination of original research, theoretical and technical studies, short communications, etc. that are carried out in our country and internationally on sport psychology and sport sciences, written in Spanish and/or English. Papers must be original, unpublished and not being considered for publication in another journal, and the authors are solely responsible for the statements made in their article.

The following types of papers will be considered for publication: original research, systematic reviews or meta-analysis, reviews, monographs, supplements and letters to the editor.

Originals. These will be research papers on sport psychology or sport sciences. They will have the following structure: abstract (Spanish, English and Portuguese), key words (Spanish, English and Portuguese), text (introduction, Method -research design, participants, materials-, Procedure, Results, Discussion and Practical applications), Acknowledgements (if applicable) and References.

The procedure should include the Ethical requirements: (a) whether the study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (WMA 2000, Bošnjak 2001, Tyebkhan 2003), which establishes the fundamental ethical principles for research involving human subjects. (b) Whether participants voluntarily agreed to participate in the study, and whether informed consent was obtained in all cases. (c) Whether this study was conducted in compliance with the Standards of Ethics in Sport and Exercise Science Research (Harriss et al., 2019). (d) The Ethics Committee approval reference.

Systematic reviews or meta-analyses. State of the art on a given topic through a systematic review or meta-analysis. The CPD journal will accept for review those manuscripts that meet the standards suggested by Fernández-Ríos and Buela-Casal (2009) and by Sánchez-Meca (2010) and conform to the PRISMA guidelines.

The study must be registered in one of these platforms:

  1. International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews - https:// www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero.
  2. International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols - https://inplasy.com/

In addition, they should perform a critical analysis of each paper using one of the following scales:

  1. The PEDro scale which is a tool designed to assess the methodological quality of the designs. Use the following links:


  2. Instruments for critical reading CASPE or Programa de Habilidades en Lectura Crítica Español (Spanish Critical Reading Skills Program). Caspe has a different tool for each type of study. 

    https://redcaspe.org/ https://redcaspe.org/materiales/

  3. PICO model. This mnemonic code makes it easy to remember the components of the structure: (P) patient or problem of interest: characteristics of the patient or group of patients; characteristics of the problem or condition, (I) Intervention: main intervention to be considered (therapeutic, preventive, diagnostic, risk exposure, etc.), (C): comparison intervention: alternative with which to compare the main intervention (it should be borne in mind that sometimes there is no intervention with which to compare) and (O) (outcomes) result to be assessed: effects of the intervention, in terms of improvement, side effects, etc. To this end, review the following works:

    Martínez Díaz, Juan Daniel, Ortega Chacón, Verónica, & Muñoz Ronda, Francisco José (2016). The design of clinical questions in evidence-based practice: formulation models. Enfermería Global, 15(43), 431-438. Retrieved October 11, 2022, from http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1695-61412016000300016&lng=es&tlng=es.



Reviews. They will be made on current books at the date of publication of the issue of the journal. They will have a maximum length of 1000 words, not being necessary the structure described above.

Monographs-Supplements. Proposals for Monographs (which will be organized and managed like the rest of the articles, and which will deal with a common theme) and Supplements (manuscripts derived from scientific meetings such as congresses, conferences, etc.) will be considered. In both cases, the application must be sent simultaneously to the Editors of Monographs and Supplements.

Letters to the Editor. State of the art on a given topic, or commentary on a paper published in previous issues of the journal. Optionally, the paper may include tables and figures.


Papers may be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese and English, although in all cases there will be an abstract in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The text should be written in Times New Roman 12, with 1.5 line spacing. Page margins should be 2.5 cm.

Manuscripts should be sent to the journal through the digital platform Open Journal Sistem OJS (http://revistas.um.es/cpd). Four files should be sent to the platform:

  1. In a first file the cover letter signed by all the authors (and these are the ones that should appear in the metadata with their emails, affiliations - entity, city and country - and ORCID - the authors should not appear in the file containing the article). This letter should include the assignment of rights to the publisher.
  2. The second file should contain the paper with the titles, keywords and abstracts in the three languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese) of the journal and bibliography (without the name and affiliations of the authors). In this file the lines should be numbered. The authors must be registered in the journal as Authors and Reviewers, with their affiliations, preferences and ORCID (this is essential for the article to be finally accepted). The metadata must be completed in its entirety (titles, keywords - each word entered individually - and abstracts in the three languages of the journal) and citations (bibliography of the article).
  3. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that authors indicate when registering their article and in the metadata section, the source of funding of the research that has resulted in the published work. The funding agency(ies) and the project code(s) under which the research that has given rise to the publication was carried out should be indicated. This information must be referenced in the article by the authors and be included by the journal in the metadata it stores.
  4. In the third file, an anti-plagiarism report must be sent by the authors. This report can be obtained from any software that issues anti-plagiarism reports. There are several free programs and websites:

    Copyscape, a program that checks texts found on the web. https://www.copyscape.com/

    Plagium, searches for documents that are the same or similar to the text entered. https://www.plagium.com/

    DOC Cop, compares documents with each other, or the text entered on the web. https://unscramblex.com/doc-cop

    Dupli Checker, compares the entered text with documents on the web. https://www.duplichecker.com/

    Turnitin Integrity: Anti-plagiarism program used by the University of Malaga. More information on the website of the Virtual Campus of the UMA.

    When the article is accepted for publication, the editors will perform a second anti-plagiarism check.
  5. In the fourth file, optionally, the data matrix.

Before starting the process of assigning reviewers, compliance with the introduction of metadata and references, the names of authors and co-authors, as well as the evaluation of the detection of plagiarism or other types of fraud by the Editorial Board will be checked.

Manuscripts should be submitted according to the following order and structure:

For the entire document when it is submitted in Spanish, Spanish characters should be used. Thus, the Spanish "y" should be used instead of the English "&", both in the text and in the references section. Use the comma instead of the period as a decimal separator.

VERY IMPORTANT: The data of the authors and their affiliation will only appear in the metadata of the platform when the file with the original is uploaded.

Title Page. First page of the manuscript

As a cover page of the manuscript this first page will contain:

Title of the article (concise but informative), in Spanish and English, conformed with as many significant terms as possible (Psychology Glossary accessible at http://www.apa.org/).

Grants, aids or financial support received (Research Projects) for the subsidy of the work and other specifications, when applicable.

Abstract and keyword pages (second, and third page if necessary, of the manuscript).

A second page should contain the title of the article and the abbreviated title (Running Head of no more than 8 words), a summary of the content of the article in Spanish and the list of keywords. Both the abstract and the keywords will have a version in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

  • The abstract should be between 150 and 250 words in length.
  • Keywords: 3-5 keywords that identify the content of the paper should be specified below the abstract for inclusion in national and international repertories and databases. Do not repeat the words in the title. Controlled reference terms should be used (Psychology Glossary accessible at http://www.apa.org/ for Psychology).

Manuscript text

The third and following pages should be devoted to the text of the manuscript (25 pages maximum if it is an Original Article, and 30 pages maximum if it is a Review). In the case of letters to the editor a maximum of one page, for book reviews a maximum of 1000 words. Original papers should conform to the following sections: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and Practical Applications.

Introduction: It should include the rationale and purpose of the study, using strictly necessary and updated bibliographic citations.

Method: It is recommended to begin by proposing the type of "Research Design". In this section you should identify the type of design and endorse it with relevant bibliography. We advise you to review one of the following papers (depending on the methodology used):

  1. For Experimental/Cuaisexperimental/Selective Methodology: Ato, Manuel; López, Juan J.; Benavente, Ana (2013). A classification system for research designs in psychology. Annals of Psychology, 29 (3), 1038-1059.
  2. For Observational Methodology: Anguera; M. T., Blanco Villaseñor, A., Hernández Mendo, A., & Losada, J. L. (2011). Observational designs: setting and application in sport psychology. Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, 11(2),63-76.

The calculation of the sample size and the sampling method used, if any, will be described. Reference should be made to the type of statistical analysis used. In the case of experimental work in which human or animal groups have been used, it should be indicated whether the ethical criteria approved by the corresponding committee of the center in which the study was carried out have been taken into account and, in any case, whether the agreements of the Declaration of Helsinki in its revision of October 2000, drawn up by the World Medical Association (http://www.wma.net/), have been respected. In addition, the CPD journal will adopt and review the international standards and codes of ethics (Code of Conduct and Guidelines of Good Practice for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE or the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - ICJME).

Results: They should appear in a logical sequence in the text, tables or figures, and the same data should not be repeated in all of them.

Discussion: Mention inferences from the findings and their limitations, including deductions for future research.

Practical Applications: The authors should provide information on how to be able to transfer the results and conclusions obtained in their work to the applied field (psychologists, coaches, managers, teachers, physical trainers, etc.) for which issues of the population, sector or environment the results obtained are important.

Acknowledgements: If applicable.

Conflicts of interest: if applicable

Information on the specific contribution of each of the authors: Since issue CPD2(2021), in each of the manuscripts submitted, the journal CPD requests, as a basic criterion for acceptance to start the review process of your manuscript, that it includes the corresponding information on the criteria chosen to decide the order of signature and on the specific contribution made by each of them to the work submitted.

References. They should be prepared according to the guidelines of the "Publication Style Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition" (APA, 2021, http://www.apastyle.org/), as well as taking into account the specifications of CPD.

Tables. They should be inserted in the text where the author(s) consider that they should be for a better understanding of the text. They should be numbered and titled above the table. Use only horizontal lines (not vertical) to separate table headings, large sections and to close the table. The text of both the legend and the table should be Times New Roman, size 10.

Figures: All types of photographs, graphs or drawings will be considered figures. They should be numbered and titled below the figure.


In the aforementioned cover letter, it should be expressly indicated that the work has not been previously published or disseminated, nor is it under evaluation in any other journal. It should indicate the contributions in terms of originality and novelty that, in the opinion of the authors, the work proposes. The cover letter must be signed by all authors.

The editorial office of CPD will acknowledge receipt of the authors of the papers that reach it and will subsequently inform the authors whether or not they comply with the formal and content aspects of the manuscript, whether it will be evaluated, returned for modification or rejected. In a second phase, the manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously (blind or double blind) by two experts in the field of study and/or methodology used. The editorial staff of CPD, in view of the external reports, reserves the right to accept/reject articles for publication, as well as to introduce stylistic modifications and/or shorten texts that exceed the allowed length, while committing to respect the content of the original.

In the case of disparate judgments between the two evaluators, the papers will be sent to a third evaluator. Original articles and reviews will be submitted to external peer review. Papers that are reviewed and could be considered for publication after modification should be returned within 15 days whether minor or major corrections are requested. Authors will receive the reviewers' evaluation reports, anonymously, so that they can make (if necessary) the appropriate corrections or replications.

The temporal process of the manuscripts submitted to CPD will be distributed as follows:

a) Acknowledgement of receipt, filters for compliance with minimum quality standards and access to the peer review process: 1 month.

b) Acceptance/Rejection, Peer Review and response acceptance/changes/rejection: maximum 6 months.

In general, once the external reports have been seen, the factors on which the decision on the acceptance-rejection of the papers by the CPD editorial staff is based are the following:

a) Originality: wholly original, valuable information, repetition of known results.

b) Actuality and novelty

c) Relevance: applicability of the results for the resolution of specific problems.

d) Significance: advancement of scientific knowledge

e) Reliability and scientific validity: contrasted methodological quality.

f) Presentation: good writing, organization (logical coherence and material presentation).

g) Applicability to the professional field.

The authors of accepted articles will receive the proofs for correction by e-mail in PDF format. They must return corrected proofs to the CPD editorial office by e-mail in PDF format within 72 hours of receipt. Only minor corrections can be made to the content of the original manuscript without incurring an extra cost.

In addition, and together with the final galley proofs for approval, a Declaration of Rights and Acknowledgement of Authorship document will be sent to the authors, which they will have to sign and submit with the final galley proofs as part of the final publication process.

Editorial oversight on manuscripts during and after the peer review process

The editorial team will oversee the development of the review process. During the peer review, it will ensure that the reviewers issue their report in due time and form, in addition to offering both authors and reviewers a communication channel via email to resolve any issues. In the event that there is no consensus in the evaluation process of an article, the editorial team may request a third evaluation from another person. After the issuance of the reports, the editorial team will make a final assessment and send it to the author of the article, indicating whether or not they should make changes to their article, or if it should be rejected. At all times, the reasons for the decision will be formally argued.

After the reviewers' assessment is issued to the authors, if it is permissible to make changes to the document, they will have a period of three months from the communication to make said changes. If, after three months, the editorial team has not received the modified article, the editorial process will be considered finished and the article will be rejected.

Upon receipt of the modifications by the author, the editorial team will initially assess the changes made and will send the document back to the reviewers. From this moment, the reviewers will have a maximum time of three months to carry out a second evaluation or issue a decision.

When the editorial team, based on the reviewers' evaluations, makes a final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the article, it will be communicated to the authorship. If it is rejected, the editorial process is over. If accepted, it would go on to the editing and production phase, during which the authors would be contacted to conclude the editorial process with the layout of the document and correction of possible minor errors in form. Thus, the galley proofs of the final article will be issued to the author for their approval or correction of minor formal errors within a period of 48 hours. After that, the article will finally be published.

Ethical responsibilities

It is the responsibility and duty of the editorial staff of CPD to remind its collaborators of the following points:

- When describing experiments that have been performed on human subjects, it should be indicated whether the procedures followed are in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible human experimentation committee (institutional or regional) and with the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki as revised in 2013. Names, initials or hospital numbers should not be used, especially in figures. When animal experiments are described, it should be indicated whether the guidelines of an international research institution or council or a national law regulating the care and use of laboratory animals have been followed.

- To have permission to publish, if applicable, from the institution that has financed the research.

- CPD does not accept previously published material. Authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to partially reproduce material (text, tables or figures) from other publications and to cite the source correctly.

Conflict of Interest

The editorial staff of CPD expects authors to declare any commercial association that may involve a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article.


Only those persons who have contributed intellectually to the development of the work should appear in the list of authors. Having helped in the collection of data or having participated in some technique are not, by themselves, sufficient criteria to be listed as an author. In general, the following requirements must be met in order to be listed as an author:

  1. To have participated in the conception and execution of the work that has resulted in the article in question.
  2. To have participated in the drafting of the text and possible revisions.
  3. To have approved the version that will finally be published.
  4. The editorial staff of CPD declines any responsibility for possible conflicts arising from the authorship of the papers published in the journal.

Informed Consent

Authors should mention in the methods section that the procedures used on participants and controls have been performed after obtaining informed consent from them, and should be kept in case they are requested by the editorial staff of CPD.

Copyright Transfer

Once the article has been accepted, an Identification and Copyright Transfer Sheet (provided by CPD) will be included with the manuscript, or as part of the cover letter, and must be signed by all authors.

Retractions and post-publication corrections.

In general terms, when an article has been peer-reviewed, accepted, and published in Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, it must remain unchanged.

However, it may be necessary to make some modifications to the published version. This will always occur under the supervision and approval of the editorial team of Cuadernos de Psicología del deporte. If this happens, readers will be informed by a notice that will be published in the journal and permanently linked to the publication so that readers are informed of the change.

If the authors observe that there is an error in the published article, they should contact the editorial team using the contact information that appears published in the journal. Above all, it is advisable to report errors that may affect the interpretation of the results or the conclusions derived from the investigation carried out. In addition, it will be the responsibility of all the co-authors of the article to previously agree on the information that will be transmitted to the editorial team for greater transparency in the process.

A correction will be considered when there is an error or omission in the information contained in an article that must be corrected to improve its interpretation, such as errors in the labels in a figure, absence of information at the bottom of the table if required, omission of any statistical data, etc.

In order for the editorial team to access the correction of the error, the author acting as representative must explain in detail the object of correction, making a clear and consistent proposal of the required modifications. In the same way, the notice of correction that the editorial team will publish on the Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte website will be clear and precise, and will be linked to the corresponding article.

A retraction will be considered when there is a wide-ranging error related to the following assumptions in an already published article: (a) an error has occurred in fundamental aspects of the article, such as data analysis, presentation of results, application of the design, etc., that has a substantial impact on the interpretation of the findings or the conclusions derived from them; (b) malpractice has occurred and has repercussions on ethical issues, such as plagiarism, invention or ad hoc manipulation of data, lack of approval from ethics committees, lack of respect for the anonymity of study participants, reproduction of information copyrighted without prior consent, etc.

If there are well-founded suspicions about this type of issue, the editorial team will carry out an investigation and follow-up on the case, and may request the relevant information or reliable justification to resolve the file. If the malpractice is confirmed, the possibility of issuing a retraction linked to the published article will be considered, provided that this does not cause harm to third parties and does not continue to pose a serious ethical problem. In the event that the editorial team considers that a very serious error has been made, the elimination of the article may be decided, after notifying the authors and justifying the decision.

Ethical criteria in studies with vulnerable population

Studies that involve vulnerable populations (e.g. children, adolescents, dependent people, ethnic minorities, etc.) must pay special attention to ethical requirements during the research.

There must always be informed consent in which the investigation procedures to which they will be subjected are clearly explained. Specifically, minors must submit both their own consent and the consent required from their parents/legal representatives. In addition, the information offered to research participants will be clear, detailed and a language adapted to the characteristics of the sample will be used, with the aim of ensuring understanding of the entire process. For its part, the physical and psychological integrity of each participant will be preserved at all times, and they may not be subjected to investigation processes that could generate present or future damage.

Publication costs

Publication in the journal Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte will not entail any cost for the authors. APC (Article Processing Charges) are assumed by the organization.


The journal CPD acknowledges receipt or informs on its website of all the steps taken to keep authors informed of the status of their manuscript. The judgments and opinions expressed in the articles and communications published in CPD are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Editorial Board. Both the Editorial Board and the publishing company disclaim any responsibility for the published material. Neither the Editorial Committee nor the publishing company guarantee or endorse any product advertised in CPD, nor guarantee the claims made by the manufacturer of such product or service.

The accessibility of the computer platform allows easy distribution and transfer of published works, access to information, review and follow-up processes, access to indexed databases, and international visibility of manuscripts.

The journal deposits in institutional or thematic open access repositories at least the final version of its articles accepted for publication within a maximum period of six months.


The editorial board of the CPD journal, would like to thank the work done by the members of the research groups Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine (CTS-267) of the University of Granada and Evaluation in Natural Contexts: Sport and Consumption (SEJ444) of the University of Malaga, dedicated to the direction, editing and management of the Journal since 2017.

Dissemination and diversification of publications.

The CPD journal will be responsible for disseminating the information of its contents, through the use of channels in social networks, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., through dynamic materials that allow a greater social and scientific community reach of its publications, news and calls.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be made available to any other purpose or person.