The student as human capital in secondary education: an analysis of the impact of socio-demographic variables on the perception of learning
Spain (statistically and at European level) occupies the top positions among the countries with the highest school dropout rates; and along the same lines, various studies (INE, 2020; Vaquero, 2011) confirm that teachers in our country consider that education must be transformed to ensure that all students feel that they are the protagonists of the learning process; and that - in addition - everything they learn can be transferred to develop as citizens to the extent that their needs are also met (Álvarez et al., 2020:20). In this sense, it is absolutely necessary to know (through the student's perception) to what extent the socio-demographic variables that students present intervene and condition the learning process and its transfer. For this purpose, a purposive sample has been configured in which more than 1,400 4th ESO subjects (from Spain) have participated, with a significance level of 0.05 using a scale -original and unpublished- called EPECOCISO (Evaluation of the perception of social science competences -Álvarez, Trigueros, Miralles and Molina, 2020-).
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