Psychometric properties of Liverpool Stoicism Scale (LSS) in a cohort of patients with resected cancer in adjuvant treatment


  • Caterina Calderon Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology. Faculty of Psychology. University of Barcelona.
  • Pere Joan Ferrando Department of Psychology. Faculty of Psychology. University of Rovira i Virgili. Tarragona
  • Urbano Lorenzo-Seva Department of Psychology. Faculty of Psychology. University of Rovira i Virgili. Tarragona
  • Alberto Carmona-Bayonas Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology. Hospital Universitario Morales Meseguer, Murcia
  • Carlos Jara Department of Medical Oncology. Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
  • Francisco Ayala de la peña Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology. Hospital Universitario Morales Meseguer, Murcia
  • Carmen Beato Department of Medical Oncology. Grupo Hospitalario Quirón, Sevilla
  • Avinash Ramchandani Department of Medical Oncology. Hospital Universitario Insular de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas
  • Teresa Garcia Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology. Hospital Universitario Morales Meseguer, Murcia
  • Montserrat Mangas-Izquierdo Department of Medical Oncology. Hospital Galdakao -Usansolo, Usansolo
  • Beatriz Castelo Department of Medical Oncology. Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid
  • Olga Donnay Department of Medical Oncology. Hospital Universitario La Princesa, Madrid
  • Maria del Mar Muñoz Department of Medical Oncology. Hospital Virgen de La Luz, Cuenca
  • Eva Martinez de Castro Department of Medical Oncology. Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander
  • Sara García Department of Medical Oncology. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau y Fundació Kàlida, Barcelona
  • Ismael Ghanem Department of Medical Oncology. Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid
  • Teo Mellen Department of Social Sciences, ESADE, Barcelona
  • Paula Jiménez-Fonseca Department of Medical Oncology. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo
Keywords: attitude, stoicism, cancer, psychometric study

Supporting Agencies

  • This study has received a research grant from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) in 2015.


Stoicism has been used to describe a wide range of behaviors in the face of disease that go from silence, resistance to the adversity, or ‘to make the best of a bad disease’. This study pursued two objectives: 1) analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the LSS; 2) assess the relation between stoicism and gender, age, and the five-factor personality model. NEOcoping is a prospective, multicenter, observational, non-interventionist study. Patients were recruited consecutively at thirteen Spanish teaching hospitals. The following scales were administered: Liverpool Stoicism Scale (LSS) and Big Five Inventory (BFI-10). A total of 443 patients (250 females) with a mean age of 59.8 years (SD =12.3) were enrolled. Colon cancer was the most common (40.0%), followed by breast cancer (32.7%). At the total-scale level, mean LSS was lower than the originally reported British series and higher than Latvian sample. The four-factor structure fitted the data well, had a clear interpretation, and the derived scales showed acceptable reliabilities. The personality trait of introversion predicted 4.1% of the variance of stoicism (p<.001). The LSS scale demonstrates good psychometric properties to appraise stoicism in the Spanish population with resected cancer. 


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Author Biography

Caterina Calderon, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology. Faculty of Psychology. University of Barcelona.

Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology


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How to Cite
Calderon, C., Ferrando, P. J., Lorenzo-Seva, U., Carmona-Bayonas, A., Jara, C., Ayala de la peña, F., … Jiménez-Fonseca, P. (2017). Psychometric properties of Liverpool Stoicism Scale (LSS) in a cohort of patients with resected cancer in adjuvant treatment. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 33(3), 621–629.
Clinical and Health Psychology

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