Computerized Adaptive Assessment of Organizational Climate
Supporting Agencies
- Department of Public Administration of the Government of the Principality of Asturias (FUO-EM-305-06) and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PSI 2011-28638)
- and the Government of the Principality of Asturias
Computerized Adaptive Tests (CAT) constitutes a major advance in the field of the assessment of social sciences and health. It is interesting to incorporate this methodological development to organizational field. The objective of this research is to develop a CAT for evaluating the organizational climate. In order to do this, a bank of 160 items was constructed, which was administered to a sample of 3,163 workers (M age= 51.90 years; SD= 6.28 years). The results show that the CAT works efficiently for the three item banks used (150, 130 and 50 items). The information function shows that the latent trait in the whole range of values is measured with similar accuracy. The correlation between the scores obtained with the CAT, the three item banks and the CLIOR scale of organizational climate was higher than 0.90 in all cases (SE<0.32). With a SE< 0.32, the 150 item CAT uses a mean of 22.5 items (SD = 22.5 items). The CAT developed allows an accuracy and useful assessment of the organizational climate on organizational settings and research.Downloads
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