Relationships of self-concept with physical fitness and body composition in a sample of adolescents


  • Rafael E. Reigal-Garrido Universidad de Granada
  • Carlos A. Becerra-Fernández Universidad de Málaga
  • Antonio Hernández-Mendo Universidad de Málaga
  • Ignacio Martín-Tamayo Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Self-concept, adolescence, physical fitness, body composition


The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between self-concept and several variables of physical fitness, as well as the body fat percentage. The participants in the study were 283 teenagers from the city of Malaga (Spain), whose age ranged between 14 and 16 years old (M = 15.14; SD = .76). The “Autoconcepto Forma 5” questionnaire (AF5) was used to evaluate the multidimensional self-concept (academic, social, emotional, physical, and family self-concept). Moreover, the body fat percentage was measured by means of a bioelectrical impedance analysis. The Course-Navette test was used to assess the maximal oxygen consumption. Other measured variables were the time to run 50 metres, the distance jumped horizontally, and the range of movement (by means of a deep trunk flexion test). The linear regression and correlation analysis highlighting that the variables which have the strongest association with self-concept are the body fat percentage and the maximal oxygen consumption. Besides, physical and emotional dimensions are those that have been predicted with a higher percentage of explained variance.


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How to Cite
Reigal-Garrido, R. E., Becerra-Fernández, C. A., Hernández-Mendo, A., & Martín-Tamayo, I. (2014). Relationships of self-concept with physical fitness and body composition in a sample of adolescents. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 30(3), 1079–1085.
Adolescence and psychology