Extra-curricular involvement, academic adjustment and achievement in higher educa-tion: A study of Portuguese students


  • Leandro S. Almeida University of Minho
  • M. Adelina Guisande University of Santiago de Compostela
  • Joanne Paisana University of Minho
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/analesps.28.3.156111
Keywords: Higher education, academic achievement, academic adjustment, extra-curricular involvement.


Involvement in extra-curricular campus activities has been underlined as an important factor in promoting the adjustment, success and development of students during their university course. The present study analyses the academic experience, achievement and adjustment of university students through the comparison of three groups: (i) students without any involvement in extra-curricular campus activities; (ii) students involved in University Governing Bodies; and (iii) students involved in Student Union activities. At the beginning of the second semester, selected students of the University of Minho (N=223) responded to a questionnaire - Academic Experiences Questionnaire (AEQ; Almeida and Ferreira, 1997) - and a short questionnaire about their diligence in classes and their involvement in extra-curricular campus activities. The results obtained in the three groups were statistically related to certain dimensions of their academic adjustment process, as well as to their academic achievement. Significant statistical contrasts are noticeable when students with no involvement in extra-curricular activities are compared with those involved in Student Union administration, sports, cultural and social activities. The latter group presents lower class diligence and academic achievement.


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How to Cite
Almeida, L. S., Guisande, M. A., & Paisana, J. (2012). Extra-curricular involvement, academic adjustment and achievement in higher educa-tion: A study of Portuguese students. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 28(3), 860–865. https://doi.org/10.6018/analesps.28.3.156111
Developmental and Educational Psychology