Substance use and HIV-related sexual risk behaviors in a sample of college students.


  • Fina A. Antón Ruiz
  • José P. Espada
Keywords: HIV / AIDS, youngsters, sexual risk behaviour, condom use, substance use


The new cases of HIV infection mainly affect youngsters with high risk sexual behaviors one of the main routes of transmission. The aim of this study was to assess the sexual risk behaviour among university students from Alicante (Spain) and its relation with the drug-taking. The sample included 339 undergraduates aged 18-29 years (M = 19.53; SD = 3.27). The students completed a self-administered questionnaire during the class about their sexual behaviors and drug-taking. The participants re-ported a significative higher alcohol use than cannabis use (p < .01). Fifty per cent of the sample admitted to have been engaged in sex intercourse at least once while they were under the influence of alcohol, whereas only 16.2% of the sample admitted had sex at least once under the influence of cannabis. There is a significative relation between alcohol use and condom use at vaginal sex (χ2 = 6.85, p = .03) and between cannabis use and con-dom use at oral sex (χ2 = 8.33, p = .02)


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How to Cite
Antón Ruiz, F. A., & Espada, J. P. (2009). Substance use and HIV-related sexual risk behaviors in a sample of college students. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 25(2), 344–350. Retrieved from
Monographic Theme: Addictions