Boris Vian dans ses poèmes


  • Cristina Solé Castells
Keywords: Boris Vian, poems, songs, image, music, collage


The aim of the article is to show that the study of songs and poems by Boris Vian only becomes meaningful within the frame of his entire production. Beyond apparently disperse themes and styles, and beneath the misleading superficiality of his songs and poems – sometimes comic, occasionally banal, even grotesque - there is a hidden unity and coherence which have been carefully crafted. To express this consistency, Vian moves away from Aristotelian logic to make use of collage, a technique which allows him to juxtapose a plurality of situations and actions where the real and the imagined are interwoven. The final product is the representation of one, indivisible reality which is also relative and particular, depending on each individual whose apparently antagonistic elements reveal themselves as complementary aspects in the process toward individuation and self-knowledge.


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How to Cite
Solé Castells, C. (2009). Boris Vian dans ses poèmes. Anales de Filología Francesa, 17, 367–376. Retrieved from