For a Cultural Counter-hegemony: Parodic Strategies in Four roses for Lucienne (1967) by Roland Topor


  • Domingo Pujante González Universitat de València
Keywords: Body, Culture, Humour, Panic, Rewriting


Although Roland Topor explored all areas of art and literature, short forms of writing particularly represented a fertile ground for him. Among all the anthologies he published, we could highlight Four roses for Lucienne (1967) where we witness a joyful development of the Panic group premises. This is a series of forty-three short stories of varying length and subject where we find the recurring motifs of all Toporian work: body, monstrosity, sexuality, religion, humour... In this article, we will focus our interest on the strategies of (sub)version and parodic rewriting as tools for deconstructing the hegemonic cultural heritage. 


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How to Cite
Pujante González, D. (2023). For a Cultural Counter-hegemony: Parodic Strategies in Four roses for Lucienne (1967) by Roland Topor. Anales de Filología Francesa, 31.