The opera libretto: the art of the “little book” and the narratological briefness


Keywords: libretto, booklet, opera, transmodalisation


This article considers the importance of the opera libretto as a rightful literary genre, despite its small and brief nature. Indeed, its literary quality is often underestimated, because of its multi-artistic vehicle, which shifts attention to its musical and scenographic qualities. What's more, the length of the work is conditioned by the specific opera's characteristics. The term 'libretto' is already a sign of this short and brief dimension, here with a pejorative connotation, underlining the condescension generated within the literary sphere. However, we would point out the omnipresence of literature in opera, since its narratives often derive from well-known literary works. Our interest then lies in the art of the riduzione, a process which depends on the great skill of librettists and composers in reducing a literary narrative to a shorter version, adapted to the operatic stage, but also embellished by the addition of new musical and scenographic features.


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How to Cite
Robin, M. (2023). The opera libretto: the art of the “little book” and the narratological briefness. Anales de Filología Francesa, 31.