Hybridization of literary genres in Rachilde's early short texts and stories unpublished


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/analesff.572701
Keywords: Rachilde – hybridations des genres – récits brefs – textes brefs – Belle Époque


Rachilde, born Marie-Marguerite Eymery (1860-1953), had her first success with Monsieur Vénus (1884). However, her first literary forms were the fairy tale and the short story. These texts unpublished, issued from her Cahier de Style, have not yet been studied. So that, we propose, in this article, to bring them to light showing that, so young, the girl aspiring writers already possessed literary qualities that led her to transgress the traditional conventions of these different textual forms through a hybrid writing that contaminates and breaks the limits of the genres. Later, at seventeen, she began to publish her tales and short stories in the local and Parisian press, as well as to start professionally as a literary and art critic with reviews that already show a style unique and subversive. Theses first texts published in the press have also not yet been studied.


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How to Cite
Soria Berrocosa, S. (2023). Hybridization of literary genres in Rachilde’s early short texts and stories unpublished. Anales de Filología Francesa, 31. https://doi.org/10.6018/analesff.572701