The grandeur of existence versus the smallness of the poem


Keywords: Bernard Anton, haikus, Tempus fugit, pandemic, conciseness


Poetry, a concise and brief literary genre, captures the ephemeral present moment: the emotion of the instant. All human immensity and its links with the world are preserved in lapidary verses that enhance the joy of living. This is even more present in the concentrated lyricism of the haiku and tanka, where very limited forms are embodied to fulfil the immeasurable poetic function. These compositions, of Japanese origin, allow us to glimpse, better than any other literary manifestation, the perennial transience. This research focuses on the minimalist and powerful art of haiku and tanka in Bernard Anton's collection of poems Montagnes de cendres (Les Impliqués Éditeur, 2020), a true sample of the human scenes experienced during the covid-19 pandemic. The poet's eagle's gaze rests on vivid nature and its cyclical seasons, a gaze far removed from facts, but close to sensations and revealing the greatness of existence in the face of the brevity of the poem.


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How to Cite
Fernández Aranaz, I. (2023). The grandeur of existence versus the smallness of the poem. Anales de Filología Francesa, 31.