Représentations du Japon dans Madame Chrysanthème : le motif du petit dans les structures du récit.



Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad de Murcia


In his novel Madame Chrysanthème (1888), based on his real-life experience in Japan, Pierre Loti describes his perception of the country by constantly using the semantic field of the minimal. In addition to his impressions of this island space perceived as a place where the small is omnipresent, we note that the narrative acts are shortened and lack intrigue, contrasting with the choice of a narrative proper to the novel. Considering the existence of an interaction between the effect that Japan has produced on the writer and the style of writing that he has proposed to adopt, we will address the theme of smallness in relation to both late nineteenth-century japonisme and the myth of insularity in Western literature.


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How to Cite
de la Fuente Díaz, D. (2023). Représentations du Japon dans Madame Chrysanthème : le motif du petit dans les structures du récit. Anales de Filología Francesa, 31.