Traducir a Gailly: del estudio contrastivo de una traducción a las reflexiones sobre la oralidad y la competencia paremiológica en la preparación de los futuros traductores


Keywords: Christian Gailly, translation, orality, paremiological competence, translation classroom


This paper offers a translatological analysis of the procedures used by the translator of the only work translated into Spanish by the French writer Christian Gailly, the novel Un soir au club, paying special attention to the translation of certain idiomatic and colloquial expressions used by the novelist. It also sets out certain proposals for Translation and Interpreting syllabuses that have to do with paremiological competence and the weight of texts distinguished by their orality in the preparation of future translators.


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How to Cite
Lasticova, A. (2024). Traducir a Gailly: del estudio contrastivo de una traducción a las reflexiones sobre la oralidad y la competencia paremiológica en la preparación de los futuros traductores. Anales de Filología Francesa, 32.