Realization of the emotive function of language by the elliptic structures in the novel of L. Binet The Seventh Function of language


  • Anastasiia Lepetiukha Université pédagogique nationale Grygoriy Skovoroda de Kharkiv
Keywords: elliptic structure, idiostylistic peculiarity, implicit referent, intra- and interphrastic elliptic blocs, preferential option


The elliptic structures with different head lexemes realized in the novel of L. Binet The Seventh Function of language are considered in this research as the reduced synonymic transforms of the primary proposition formed in the continuum language → discourse and actualized in the form of co(n)textually preferential options with complex of implicit referents determined or non-determined in the prе‑ and/or posttext where the expressivity prevails over the expression. Many analyzed constructions enter intra- and interphrastic elliptic blocs accentuated by the author. The writer actualizes the compressed mono- and polysynonymic structures performing the central emotive and the peripheral co(n)textual functions and uses the textual interference according to his communicative intention or his idiostylistic peculiarities.



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How to Cite
Lepetiukha, A. (2022). Realization of the emotive function of language by the elliptic structures in the novel of L. Binet The Seventh Function of language. Anales de Filología Francesa, 30.