Language courses in the university context : what place for intercultural competence?


  • Khalil Moussafir Université Hassan 1er
Keywords: Intercultural competence,

Supporting Agencies

  • University Hassan 1


This article aims to  highlight the significant place of interculturality in the language classroom. Indeed, current societies are exposed to profound changes at the individual and collective levels under the effect of digitization. This means that the individual experiences a new socialization, a kind of digital socialization within which the intercultural dimension occupies a central place through linguistic and cultural openness to the other. This situation presents the school with new challenges. Beyond didactic and purely linguistic considerations, language learning takes on its full significance by putting to work the founding concepts of interculturality such as intercultural competence or intercultural communication competence. We will show this from the linguistic programs of international cooperation, in particular those of the partnership between the University Hassan1er in Morocco and the Haute école d'Hénallux in Belgium.


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How to Cite
Moussafir, K. (2021). Language courses in the university context : what place for intercultural competence?. Anales de Filología Francesa, 29, 397–419.