Contrastive study of oral skills in mobile applications (apps) for the study of French as a Foreign Language (FFL)


  • Mª José Arévalo Benito
  • Arrate Aldama Epelde
Keywords: apps, analyse contrastive, compétences orales, FLE

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad del País Vasco


The purpose of this article is to establish a comparative analysis of four mobile applications (apps) designed to acquire French as a Foreign Language (FFL). Two of them are aimed at a general public where French is one of the languages offered: Bussu and Duolingo. The other two were created exclusively for FLE learning: Le Bon Mot and Français Premiers Pas. The bibliographical review allows us to affirm that autonomy and simplicity are assets of the use of apps, while the repetitive side remains a constraint. We will then focus on the study of the exercises proposed in the selected apps with regard to the oral skills of comprehension and expression. Our study comes to the conclusion that, even if comprehension skills are quite well developed, expression skills could be improved to make these apps efficient tools. 


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How to Cite
Arévalo Benito, M. J. ., & Aldama Epelde, A. (2021). Contrastive study of oral skills in mobile applications (apps) for the study of French as a Foreign Language (FFL). Anales de Filología Francesa, 29, 33–51.