The creation of non-linear digital stories as an intercultural tool in the field of French philology


  • Silvia Hueso Fibla universidad de Valencia
Keywords: gamification, Twine, interactive fiction, French Philology

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad de Valencia


This article focuses on the importance of gamification as a form of innovative teaching method in French Philology for our digital native students. The creation of serious games can encourage them, generating active participation and better academic results. In the context of TICE class in the UV LML Degree, we did workshops during the last two years for the creation of interactive fictions based on hypertexts with a tool called Twine. We are going to analyze the amazing results and give some didactic examples to implement this tool in the university classroom.


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How to Cite
Hueso Fibla, S. (2021). The creation of non-linear digital stories as an intercultural tool in the field of French philology. Anales de Filología Francesa, 29, 311–333.