The theatrality crisis in L'Eden Cinéma by Marguerite Duras: between a breaking appart of dramaurgic codes and a setting in scene of the aging body, the young body as a sign of a theatrical renewal


Keywords: Key Words: Marguerite Duras, contemprary theatre, writting the body , dramaturgy, Indochinese cycle

Supporting Agencies

  • Université de Lorraine / Université du Québec à Montréal


With it's innovative and transgressive structure, L’Eden Cinéma, written by Marguerite Duras is participating in the renewal of the the theatrical genre. By mixing several temporalities and associating, bodies young and aging, « cadaverisés» and alive, the fable, hybrid and destructured, evokes through language and represantation  how a body (of a person but also of a text) car disapear to leave a renewal in its place.



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How to Cite
Kocevar, S. (2019). The theatrality crisis in L’Eden Cinéma by Marguerite Duras: between a breaking appart of dramaurgic codes and a setting in scene of the aging body, the young body as a sign of a theatrical renewal. Anales de Filología Francesa, 27(1), 501–514.