From Being at a Low Ebb to the Poetics of Sea-Bathing


  • Florence Lojacono
Keywords: Bachelard, water, sea, melancholy


This paper focuses on the characteristics of the water according to Bachelard’s method of poetic reverie as reported in Water and dreams (1942) and suggests traveling across the theme of sea-bathing following various writers. For the alchemist philosopher water is, within the natural four elements, the sad element because it perpetually reminds us of our short-lived existence. The romantic representation of the sea will first assume the melancholic character of the liquid element before giving the way to a most therapeutic point of view (Michelet, 1861). Then the creation of the beach (Corbin, 1988) as the place for a possible rebirth will soon be the core of seaside tourism (Urbain, 1994). Sea bathing (Morand, 1960) mixes all these whishes: nostalgia, purification and the dream of a new life. But swimming in deep blue waters can be dangerous if the swimmer succumbs to the temptation of letting him flow towards the infinite horizon.


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How to Cite
Lojacono, F. (2017). From Being at a Low Ebb to the Poetics of Sea-Bathing. Anales de Filología Francesa, 24, 277–292. Retrieved from