Leconte de Lisle and the Parnassian school in Rubén Darío. Greece as an allegorical corpus


  • Pedro Baños Gallego
Keywords: Leconte de Lisle, Rubén Darío, influence, images, Grèce


In the following paper we suggest the hypothesis that there exists a direct influence exerted by Leconte de Lisle and the entire Parnassian group in the poetics of Rubén Darío. We lay the foundations of this artistic correspondence by referring to a travel made by the Nicaraguan poet, in 1893, in which he visited Paris and made contact with the Parnassian leaders. We contemplate as well that this influence is visible in the utilisation of images related to the Ancient Greece, a very common topic among the Parnassian poets; Darío would have implemented this subject with a symbolic role to his own poems since the formerly mentioned travel to France. In order to illustrate that, we will take as a reference the compilations Poèmes Antiques by Leconte de Lisle and Prosas profanas y otros poemas by Darío; Darío’s book has been chosen because of its publication date: 1896, right after the stay in Paris.


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Darío, Rubén. 1917. Los Raros, en Obras completas, ed. Rubén Darío (hijo). Madrid, Mun-do Latino.

Darío, Rubén. 1917. Prosas profanas y otros poemas. Madrid, Mundo Latino.

Gautier, Théophile. 2008. Mademoiselle de Maupin, trad. Carlos de Arce. Madrid, Debol-sillo.

Leconte de Lisle, Charles-Marie. 1852. Poèmes Antiques. París, Marc Ducloux et comp.

Mapes, Erwin. 1925. Influence française dans l’oeuvre de Rubén Darío. París, Slatkine. Rama, Ángel. Prólogo a Poesía, por Rubén Darío, ed. Ernesto Mejía Sánchez. 1977. Caracas, Biblioteca Ayacucho.

Ruiz Sánchez, Marcos. 2000. “El centauro y el rapto” en Anales de la literatura hispano-americana, nº 29, 179 - 210.

Valera, Juan. 1889. “Azul...” en Cartas americanas. Madrid, Fuentes y Capdeville.

How to Cite
Baños Gallego, P. (2017). Leconte de Lisle and the Parnassian school in Rubén Darío. Greece as an allegorical corpus. Anales de Filología Francesa, 24, 179–195. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesff/article/view/282841